Her name is Kerala and she's 8: Meet the American kid visiting the state she was named after
It was in the year 2004 that Charles Kramer, a TV producer and his wife Brenna Moore, an interior designer; first visited Kerala.
"My name is Kerala. I am really thankful to be in this school and make new friends,” as the 8-year-old says this, the assembly of students breaks into applause.
When I connected with Ganesha - in New Zealand
Infosys Founder Narayana Murthy's Humble Letter To His Daughter Is One Every Girl Should Read
Most often we see mothers giving meaningful advice to their daughters. We forget that fathers love their children just as much and want the best for them from life.
Fatherhood changes a man as much motherhood transforms a woman. This is precisely what Infosys founder Narayana Murthy experienced when he became a dad to a beautiful girl, Akshata.
Is Courting Controversy An Urban Outfitters Strategy?
Moreover, "India" has become a bit of a running theme of late.
Steve Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use iPhones or iPads: Here’s Why
Jobs, who died in 2011, may have had an instinctive flair for technology but he was a low tech parent who firmly believed in restricting his children’s access to electronic devices.
A Prostitute and a Porn Star, Working to Pay Bills – Who’s Right, Who’s Wrong?
Shweta Basu Prasad, Miriam Weeks: victims both.
The high profile arrest of the national award winning actress Shweta Basu Prasad, 23, from a hotel in Banjara Hills in Hyderabad, caught in a compromising position with a businessman from Mumbai, has set off a fierce debate in India after the actress released a statement that she turned to prostitution of her own volition to help support her family and due to other financial constraints.
The Most Surprising Things About America, According To An Indian International Student
During two years in the U.S., Chaturvedi has been surprised by various aspects of society...
The Countries Where Men Do the Most Housework
It may come as no surprise to Indian women, but their menfolk do some of the least housework in the world.
Seven Reasons Not To Marry An Indian Woman
In a country of 1.2 billion people and with 48.2% of them being women, we know better than to generalise.
Three of the Top 5 Wealthiest Neighborhoods in America are in Maryland, With a Large Population of Asian Americans
The richest neighborhood is in Connecticut.